Happy Monday Team!
As you’re reading this I’ll probably be trying to shake off the jet lag from my red eye flight to Munich (by my estimation I will have just landed) — I am spending this week in a Jiu Jitsu intensive training camp in Innsbruck, Austria with some of the world’s greatest athletes. That I’m excited is an understatement, both for my own experience as well as for what I’ll be bringing back to the mats.
This week may pose some challenges with expected winter weather events throughout, so please stay agile each day and check your inbox and our Instagram account for any updates/class adjustments/cancellations due to the weather. The forecast has grown increasingly milder as we grow nearer so maybe this will all be a big nothingburger in the end. Let’s hope so! But I typically prepare for the worst and hope for the best so we are mobilizing just in case.
All classes will be run as normal (with substitutes where appropriate) with the exception of our 10am Monday and Friday Jiu Jitsu sessions. These will be strictly “open mat.”
In some other exciting news — for those of you who have been closely following our transition to 6673 Germantown Avenue (aka “The Church”), we have just provided our six months notice of vacation from our current location and should officially land in our new digs between July 1st and August 1st. More information will be available as we move into the Summer.
Note: there is a 500+/-sqft room in the basement area that may be available for sublease. Sublease would include all utilities as well as use of the main training floor when not occupied by class. Please contact us for details — a small yoga program or personal service like personal training, massage, or acupuncture would fit in nicely.
Assuming all goes well (or, at least, we can handle any problems that arise), North Star 4.0 will be possibly one of the coolest training facilities in the entire country. I don’t use that qualification lightly. I will be pretty hush-hush with details during the construction but rest assured you will really enjoy the finished product!
With that said, time for some espresso and a kasekreiner. Enjoy this week and I’ll see you soon!
–Coach Jackson
You can find this week’s Monday Mindset HERE
You can find this week’s Junior Samurai Stripe Challenge HERE