Excuses are powerful.
They are often appropriate–some of us have injuries, or restraints on our time or finances, that prohibit us from pursuing our goals.
But these excuses often overstep their boundaries and trick us into thinking they absolve us of other responsibilities as well.
For example, being busy is a great excuse — many of us are super busy. But it’s not an excuse to cheat on a diet, or over-consume in other areas. All too often, busy people feed their excuses by over-complicating things.. by setting the bar impossibly high, and then conceding because they can’t possibly fulfill such unrealistic expectations.
This is a trick of the mind — simply training or exercising fifteen minutes a day, if for nothing else than just building momentum, is a readily accessible option for ANYONE. We don’t have to embark on a hardcore, 5x/week training regimen, to see results. Just do what you can — and do it with focus and discipline!
Being injuried is a great excuse too — but for nearly every injury, there is a modification. And in some cases, simply showing up to observe class, or studying the material in an academic fashion, is a great substitute for the physical practice you’re unable to do. Because even when we can’t flex our physical muscles, it’s still important to maintain the discipline of our training routine and just show up (in whatever form that takes).
The point is that we too often we give our excuses authority over us, when it should only be the other way around.
Be careful with how you wield your excuses, and be honest with yourself if you suspect you are allowing them to overstep their boundaries.
In the end, our excuses are the greatest barrier to our own success.
Our time is limited, so let’s not also limit our potential!