Happy Monday Team!
My day-to-day teaching schedule is such journey between extremes. On one end, I teach the littlest students (ages 5+) and on the other I’m working with seasoned fighters. And, obviously, everything in between.
As adults we can often be looking too far ahead into the future. To some distant time when everything will “finally work,” when we’ll “finally have the body we want,” when we “finally stop struggling with our training.” And so on, and so on, and often lose sight of just being in the moment and enjoying the activity.
Our youth students are in the moment, and they enjoy the training. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t show up.
Maybe we don’t need to be so hard on ourselves, or plan so much, or try to make every day a perfectly shaped puzzle piece that completes our impossibly complicated jigsaw life plan. Maybe just enjoy the training a bit, appreciate the opportunity to move and be healthy, and spend time around a group of motivated and high achieving people. It’s pretty cool. Belts, ranks, ability.. these things come (and go) in time. But you’ll never last if you don’t like it.. so focus on the day to day and let the rest of it all sort itself out.
I want to remind everyone that we are moving into a class pre-registration and attendance checking system starting Monday, March 4th. Please save yourself a headache (and the staff here as well) and familiarize yourself with the MyStudio App. It is not unlikely that you will run into some small issues when you first begin using it, so ironing those out this week would be a huge help.
Our Youth students do not need to pre-register for class, so parents no worries there!
Please take a moment to download the MyStudio App and get started (it’s super easy!);
You can download MyStudio for Android Here
You can download MyStudio for Apple Here
You can access the Desktop Portal Here
Shoot the staff any issues or questions with registration and login and we will get you all squared away!
— Coach J
This week’s Monday Mindset is Here
This week’s Junior Samurai Stripe Challenge is Here