Short one for you today.
I just want to share a moment I had earlier this month: I had just parked outside the venue in Hatfield for the Tap Cancer Out tournament. The weather was beautiful. I had just trained a bit earlier in the day and was feeling pretty great.
And I remember having a moment where I thought to myself “what a privilege it is to do this for a living.”
Running a gym entails just so much, and demands most of my time. But the small moments of coaching athletes, or teaching a packed class, or working with a new student when something finally clicks — these are some of the best moments of my life, and I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to do this day in and day out.
Times can also get tough.. and in those moments it’s my gratitude that keeps me upbeat and ready to tackle any challenge.
So Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. It’s a day where we reflect on our lives, and express our gratitude for those things and people that enrich it.
Enjoy the holiday this week and make sure to get on the mats!

Muay Thai Classes