Mental tips, tricks, and productive perspectives.
Monday Mindset: Be The Problem, Don’t Solve The Problem
When stepping onto the mats or the ring canvas for the first few times, it’s easy to view the upcoming fight as a problem that you need to solve. I suppose that, objectively, there’s some truth to that: each opponent will bring a unique blend of challenges to the table that you’ll have to contend with.
However, focusing on solving these problems puts us in a reactive, and therefore subordinate position, where our focus is more on how we can adjust to their behavior rather than having them adjust to ours.
Be the problem that they need to solve. Focus on the strengths and challenges that you will be presenting them with. How will they deal with your craftiness? Your speed? Your power? Perhaps even your body odor (ok, just kidding, but I suppose when the stakes are high enough you have to leverage everything you’ve got!).
By the time you step on the mats, your training will either allow you to solve the problems that arise on the fly, or it won’t. For better or worse, that’s just how it is. So drop the worry about what might happen to you and focus more on what will happen — to them :).

Philadelphia Muay Thai