On behalf of myself (Coach Jackson), and the staff here at the North Star Academy, I just want to say that I am super excited about getting back to work on the mats with all of you!
Of course, times are challenging right now, and our particular program and facility are still under some strict parameters in terms of how we are able to safely and effectively operate moving forward.
This article will lay out the general policies for moving forward — we are rolling out an extremely conservative approach, with the plan to relax restrictions as we are able, so as to provide a steady sense of progress and sustainability. The idea is that we’d rather start slow, and maintain a consistent pace, than reopen to quickly and have to pull back.
Your patience and understanding with this is greatly appreciated and noted!
General Policies
- Students must reserve all classes ahead of time. The reservations will close 3 hours prior to the start of class (meaning, if a class starts at 7pm, reservations close at 4pm). Late walk-ins will not be admitted.
- We currently do not have any punitive measures for class no-shows. However, we will individually track no-shows and if there are chronic issues we will address those privately. Please cancel your reservation as soon as you know you are unable to attend.
- All students must enter through the front of the building, receive a temperature scan, and be checked in at the front desk.
- The locker/changing area is closed except for changing.
- All students must exit the facility upon completion of their class through the back door.
- Students may sign out training gear for outdoor use by leaving a form of picture ID at the front desk. There is a no-return charge of $100/item that will be automatically applied to your account if any gear is not returned or badly damaged.
- Masks are mandatory in all public areas of the facility at all times.
- Students, at any time, may be asked to leave the facility if they exhibit signs of poor hygiene, illness, or are otherwise not following guidelines.
- All policies are subject to change, at any time, and we ask students to make a concerted effort to regularly check their e-mail, as well as the academy’s social media pages, to stay up to date.
Muay Thai Kickboxing
- Bag work classes are limited to 12 students. Masks and gloves are required for all bag classes. Bag classes will run 45 minutes long.
- Pad work classes (indoors) are limited to 12 students. Gloves and masks are required. Shinguards are optional.
- Pad work/striking classes (outdoors) are limited to 25 students. Gloves and masks are required, although students who co-habitate may opt to remove them if partnered together.
- Students may only attend one indoor class/day, and no more than 3 per week. We will modify and amend our schedule to add more outdoor programming if need be.
- Students are required to maintain clean gear at all times.
Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
- No-contact jiu-jitsu solo drills will be available for new jiu-jitsu students, as well as those who do not want to opt in to full-contact training. These classes will be limited to 14 people total. Masks are required.
- Full-contact jiu-jitsu is available to existing BJJ students, or new students with jiu-jitsu experience greater than 3 months. No masks are required when rolling, but masks are required in all common areas of the gym.
- Students will be organized into small pods of five, with two pods comprising a “Group.” Each group will have two 90 minute scheduled training sessions each week. Students are not allowed to train outside their pod, or to train during other group times. However, open mat times will be made available upon request for pods or groups.
- Full-contact jiu-jitsu students will not be permitted into the solo drills classes for now.
- Pods will determine whether they would prefer to train with, or without, the gi in any given session.
- We will have an orientation meetup on Saturday, August 1st, at 12:30pm in the academy to organize pods and groups.
- Those who cannot attend are asked to e-mail the academy (info@northstarmma.com) with your full name, weight, grappling experience, time preference (6pm or 7:30pm), and gi/nogi preference. All submissions must be received by Thursday, 7/30.
Youth Martial Arts
- Youth martial arts will operate similar to our Muay Thai bag classes. We will place an emphasis on kickboxing, but integrate jiu-jitsu solo movements as well. Each class will be limited to 12 participants, and students are required to bring boxing gloves, a mask, and their martial arts belt. We will be crediting attendance towards their jiu-jitsu belts, and students will resume the ability to earn character stripes as before.
- Youth students will be placed into “Groups” of 12, with each group meeting 2x/week at a designated time. This ensures that your child will be around the same group every day to minimize exposure. Students will not be allowed to cross-train in other group times (for now).
- One parent is allowed to sit in and observe class.
- All students must exit the facility after class, so parents must be available to pick them up immediately. Please note that students will be using the side egress (on Rittenhouse street) after class.
- Space is limited — if you are interested in resuming your child’s membership, please contact us ASAP.
- Group A will meet Mondays and Wednesdays at 5pm. Once Group A is full, we will add different days/times for Group B, and so on.