Roll on for Victory!
We are excited to launch our new campaign — FIGHT BONDS!
>>Sign up for your FIGHT BONDS membership today at<<
During World War II, the United States mobilized on a scale never before seen. One of the ways it was able to produce so much for the war effort was the small, but massively collective, investments from its citizens into Liberty Bonds.
In 2020, the entire martial arts and fitness industry is one of many industries taking the full brunt of the economic fallout from the Covid-19 response. The community as a whole, now more than ever, needs the support of its members to stay alive.
As such, we are launching our new Fight Bonds membership!
The Previous Six Weeks
On April 1st, we put an indefinite freeze on all tuition payments so as to not burden our students with the additional expense. At the time, we were guided by state leadership to believe we would be easing back in to training sometime around May (let’s be real–we didn’t believe it, but the best we could do was take it one day at a time).
It’s obvious that we will not be back to our “normal” programming for awhile. However, in the past six weeks, we’ve invested a ton of time and resources into massively pivoting our services into a steady stream of weekly online classes, over two hours of instructional video content, a two week youth Boxing course, and the creation of a Masterclass series that brings in exclusive, world class talent directly to you in an intimate and interactive form.
Additionally, we’ve put over $10k of the gym’s equipment out on loan for free to our students.
The ability to continue to provide you with these services, as well as secure a future for the academy in the long term, does require us to raise funds in a sustainable way.
Fortunately, we have made some productive negotiations with our service providers and land lord to bring our monthly expenses down to a very manageable level. The next few months will be a doubling of our personal commitment to the academy, with an emphasis on sustaining the gym while providing as much as possible to you, our students.
Membership Options
Our Fight Bonds memberships are created in the spirit of collaboration, mutual support, and long-term sustainability.
We have three suggested rates for the membership; however, students under financial stress are welcome to provide what they can, or even receive the membership for free (no judgment, no questions asked — however, please keep in mind that students on a discounted rate will not receive some of the physical perks). We are invested in working with everyone exactly where they are at, no questions asked. Although a membership will be required to access the content we are providing moving forward, these memberships are available for free if necessary.
Please note that all students who previously “paid in full” for their membership are automatically enrolled into our virtual programming (online classes and masterclass series) at no additional cost.
Our three suggested rates are as follows:
- $75/month
- $100/month
- Tuition Reinstatement
Membership Perks and Amenities
Many of our students have reached out requesting us to reinstate their memberships, asking nothing in return, and that has been an amazing series of gestures. However, it is unconscionable to receive without providing something in return. We believe that the perks of each membership are worth more than the suggested prices and we are confident in finally moving forward with this initiative.
Students who enroll in our Fight Bonds membership will receive:
- Full access to our virtual classes (currently 9 classes/week and growing, $39/mo value)
- Full access to our Masterclasses (bimonthly classes, $39/mo value)
- One Free Virtual Private Lesson each month by appointment ($75 value)
- Scheduled, Private Gym Acccess by appointment (when permissable)
- Full access to outdoor classes and training sessions (when permissable)
- One Free Item per month (t-shirt, custom gloves, custom facemasks, and more!)
- Additional amenities, classes, and perks as we are able to innovate and provide!
So there you have it — we are excited to get you on board and move full steam ahead through the next few months!
Thank you for all your support and goodwill so far, and we will see you on the mats!